Exhibit space will sell out - so register as early as possible! To register, you must submit a signed contract and deposit. The contract does allow for booth requests, however, not all requests can be accommodated as sponsors are given priority placement.

If you have any questions or need help finding a sponsorship level that fits your needs, please contact the Chapter at 757-558-8128 or via e-mail at [email protected].



Terms & Conditions

No contract will be processed without its applicable deposit and/or full payment. Payment must accompany signed sponsorship and exhibitor contract. A $100 non-refundable deposit is due at time of application. Payments for CA Day 2024 must be received in full no later than March 21, 2025.   Sponsorships and exhibit space are reserved on a first come, first served basis only after receipt of signed form AND applicable deposits.

SEVA-CAI reserves the right to refuse any exhibitor and/or sponsorship application or to cancel any prepaid exhibitor and/or sponsorship it deems appropriate to avoid conflicts of interest. Sponsorship refunds or cancellations cannot be made after the contract is received as potential sponsors will be turned away as a result of your acceptance.

The Conference will accept booth requests, however, not all requests can be accommodated. Receipt of contract does not guarantee preferred booth location, if applicable. SEVA-CAI will do its best to honor your request, however sponsors get priority placement. Booth numbers are not assigned all exhibit space is sold, and are not considered final until the floor plan is published.


Cancellation of any portion of this application by the exhibition will be accepted only at the discretion of the Conference and then only based upon the following refund schedule.

Written Notice of Cancellation: All payments for exhibit booths only will be refunded if notification of cancellation is received in writing by January 21, 2025. No refunds will be made after January 21, 2025.

Failure to Occupy Space: Any assigned exhibit space not occupied by the close of the published installation period will be forfeited, and should space remain unoccupied at the opening of the exposition, the Conference may rent it or use it without obligation or refund.  No refund may be made for space that is unused during part of the exposition.

Suitcasing Policy

SEVA-CAI has a no-tolerance policy regarding “suitcasing,” which describes the practice by non-exhibiting companies or individuals of soliciting sales or sales leads in the Virginia Beach Convention Center, on the tradeshow floor, in the aisles or lobbies and/or representing their services or soliciting conference participants for conflicting social activities and wearing company logo wear.

Business Partners who are not exhibiting or sponsoring may not attend CA Day. Sponsors at the Best Friend level or higher may use the included tickets, but may not purchase additional tickets.

It is considered bad form to conduct business outside of your booth. Talking to clients or prospects in or in front of someone else’s booth is also a violation of SEVA-CAI policy and will not be tolerated. All parts of the exhibit must remain in exhibitor’s assigned space. No exhibit will be allowed to infringe upon aisle space.

Prospective exhibitors who want to check out the show will be given a guest badge and escorted through the exhibit hall by a SEVA-CAI staff member or other assigned and approved SEVA-CAI volunteers.

Interpretation of what constitutes suitcasing is at the sole discretion of the chapter board of directors. Violators of these policies will be given a warning at the event. If the violation continues, violators of these policies will be ejected from the show and charged the exhibit booth rate ($1,650), which must be paid prior to registering as an attendee, exhibitor, or sponsor at any future SEVA-CAI conference or other event. In addition, SEVA-CAI will have any illegal function cancelled at violator’s expense.

Subject to Change